Historical and Spiritual Heritage of LiskaFrom the 19th century, Liska has served as a focal point of Jewish community and tradition. Every year, thousands honor Tzvi Hirsh Liska, also known as Hershele Lisker, in Liska. The village hosts more than 500 Jewish historical sites, including cemeteries and places of worship that represent a rich heritag
יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף
אין דעם הייליקן ווידעא, דער גרויס געהעכטער יערמיה דאַמען און זיין געוואַלדיקער זון משה דאַמען, ביידע שטאַרק געהרעדט און באַקאַנטע זינגער אין דער חסידישער וועלט, נעמען אָן אַ זכּרונותדיקע פּיל
Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ״ל), resonate.
The town of Liska, known as one of the most sacred places in the world, is filled with special moments where the deep prayers at the gravesite of Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l resonate powerfully.Through this prayer, we plead for healing for those who are unwell, financial support for the poor, and peace and wellness for Israel and all of humankind.
Olaszliszkai haszid zsidó kozosseg
Olaszliszkai haszid vallási életA kis Északkelet-Magyarország települése, Olaszliszka, meghatározó szerepet játszott a haszid zsidóság történetében. A haszidizmus a zsidó vallási és spirituális élet egyik jelentős irányzata, amely a 18. század közepén alakult ki Kelet-Európában, és célja az isteni jelenlét közvetlen m
Liska Shomers
Liska ShomersThe tranquility of Liska's Jewish cemetery provides a solemn backdrop as a man fervently prays at the grave of Hershel Lisker, or Tzvi Hersh Friedman, expressing his deepest devotion. From his place of deep devotion, he seeks the miracle of love, hope, and healing, fervently wishing it upon the entire community.In the dignity of praye